Update from Matt

Man oh Man the people in the library must think I am the saddest guy every as I read each email today tears filled my eyes and rolled down my faces in complete awe of the love that I have behind me. It is in credible and makes a mission possible. I never thought it would be this hard to be away from home or not be able to nag you mom about your pains or worries, but it has been one of the toughest times of my life!!! Fortunately like President Porter Told me in my interview this past week that I have had this trouble because the Lord knows I can handle them and that I am in his hands. I had interviews right before I went to the cardiologist and at the end of my interview President Porter Said this prayer that I will never forget it brought such peace into my heart and I felt like no matter what happens the lord had a plan for me and that I will never stop being a missionary or serving to my full abilities. I love my mission President somuch and his sweet sweet wife. No one will EVER be able to replace my parent in any way but they do the best they can and that is a whole lot!!! I was also happy to hear just like everyone else that my heart is ok, but it was hard because now I still must find the problem and fix it. Fortunately this past week we have been super busy and I just pray each day that I will just have enough strength to make it through the daily activities. And sure enough each day I have just enough energy to make it. This has been such a trial of faith but I’m glad it cam now just as my president said, let your faith grow with this trial and you will be far beyond where you would be with out it. Aunt Cassie I love all the questions and they are the same that the doctor asked me ha-ha all things are good as far and hydration and heart burn. They doctor Sent me to get X-rays and a few blood tests so I will get the results of that this week. He also upped my ib-prophen intake and it seems to be helping!!! Thank you so much for your concern and prayers!!! Well that’s enough of the boring stuff lets talk about the good things. This week we set the 3 young boys that we have been working with so hard. We set them for July 25 so this Saturday!!! Not sure who is doing the baptisms and all that, but they are going forward. We are so excited for them and pray that nothing will go wrong within the next week that would delay this great event. Yesterday we spoke in church and it went really well. I spoke on Revelation and Elder Byrnes spoke on setting goals. Of course we tied it all into missionary work ha-ha. Our ward is rather small like most English wards in the area. Only 100-150 people tops, but we hope that will change with hard work. The Samoan and Tongan wards are the big ones here. We have been getting all sorts of gifts this past week a few lava-lavas and we are getting the special woven mats that you wear with your ephi-conga (skirt) to church. They are very expensive, but the members here are so nice and don’t take money or no for an answer. I will probably send them hope because I will have no need for them here since we can only war lava-lavas in our flat. So just hold onto them for when I can where them to church when I get home. I also bought an awesome Maori blanket last week and I will send pictures home in a few weeks of all my recent findings. One of the only crummy things about New Zealand is that, as far as I know it is the only place that has fleas that bite humans and man does our flat have them! I have bites everywhere over 30 on my legs and that’s just above the knees. It’s a party everyday ha-ha. I forgot to tell everyone last week, but I had my first dog attack well close to any way. It was dark and we went in a short gate started toward this door when we hear this dog running at us ha-ha. We booked it and hoped over the fence and were just laughing so hard the rest of the night. Now to some of the questions Hamilton is about 1.5 hours from where I am and that is where the temple is. Our mission doesn’t use pass along cards or at least doesn’t supply them. I think it was getting to be too much of an expense. Which I though was crazy with the huge push for them in Vegas. Also EVERYONE is allowed to email me but I can only write to immediate family. I am allowed to write regular letters on p-days only, but I have been slacking in that area ha-ha. But I try to send out long emails so you can all experience the miracles I see each day. Mom I was at dinner last night and the mother there asked if I could have my family send a gold ctr ring like the basic shield one to me to give to them and they will pay for it. We don’t have church book stores here like back home. She is the same sister who is now fixing my other pants because they got a whole in the same spot as my first ones. If you could do that that would be great and their daughters email in salema-taufa@hotmail.com Taufa is their last name and they are also the ones giving me the nice mat. So if the ring isn’t crazy expensive just pay for it out of my money. Oh and if you will email her to tell her what it cost or if you have any questions, but they don’t have internet so she may not reply straight away. Last thing I need to know what I should do about my face medicine. I am just about out so let me know what I should do please. Well my time is up, but thanks to Mom, Dad, Aunt Pam, Uncle Les, Aunt Teresa, Aunt Cassie, Grandma and Grandpa Tryon, Aunt Tiffany, Mary-Kate, and Estee for the wonderful emails this week. Thanks for the prayers fasting and temple roles I have been put on!!! Everyone keep up the great work I love you all and Think of you often!!! Mom thanks for sending this to everyone.With heaps and heaps of love, Elder Stucki

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