Matt's mission has its own blog. I think the mission President's wife keeps it up. Here is the address and two pictures of Matt from the blog.
Elder Stucki with Alexanda Monson Dellas Stucki Kaufusi
Now that is a mouthful!
With a name like Stucki he has to be special
Any similarities??
White Christmas
They know how to "serve it up" in NZ
The great Whangarei Falls!
President taught us to be like Captain Moroni ,"who did labor exceedingly," in which it was said about him that "if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever:" (Alma 48:17) Whangarei Falls!
Zone leaders at Whangarei Falls
Baptism of Mihi and Jessie-Lyn
An Amazing group of Zone Leaders! 7/17/10
At the end of Zone Leader Council, we were singing, Called to Serve and the Elders in several parts of the circle just began to grab shoulders of the Elder next to him. It was contagious, and by the end of the song...
The feeling of love and all were joined in a group hug, unity abound! These are fine Elders!
Elder Stucki with investigator, Tina. She breeds rabbits.
New converts, Renee and Jason
Elder Stucki's latest injury
Amazing pictures from Sis. Porter
"a bit of heaven"
Just wanted you to have a taste of the "slice of heaven" your son or daughter has been sent to!
from Sis. Porter
NZAM Leadership Council -April 2010
Our most recent Leadership Council---such wonderful, dedicated Elders who love the Lord and want to serve with all they have! It is an honor to stand side by side! Sis. Porter (Elder Stucki is in the back row)
Slumber Party missionary style
New missionary dress
Ready for a haircut
Elder Stucki, the barber
A once in a lifetime experience
The New Zealand Auckland Mission was blessed to have 2 apostles, Elder Cook and Elder Christofferson; 1 Presiding Bishop, Bishop Burton; 1 President of the Seventy, Elder Jenson; 3 Area Presidency, Elders Callister, Hamula, and Neilson and their wives---all at one meeting just with our mission! It was a choice experience where each missionary was invited to come and shake hands with each of these special servants of the Lord. It took 40 minutes for them to shake the hands of all 250 missionaries and couple missionaries. It reminded me of when the Savior invited each child to come "one by one" (3 Nephi 17:21); it was an impactful moment that I believe each of your sons and daughters will never forget
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