Better late than never! 10/25/10

Hello to ALL! This Monday was Labour Day for New Zealand, so all the libraries were closed and you are getting my email a day later than usual! Things are still just chuggin along. We had a wonderful weekend both Michael and Charles were baptized as you can see in the photo! I baptized Charles and Elder Rea baptized Michael! That was definitely our most exciting news of the week, but I will now continue to write in fear that my mother would not be too happy if she only got a 3 line email ha ha. It was great to see the change in their hearts and in their countenance as they came out of the water. Charles could not stop saying how good he felt and smiling from ear to ear!

We had a very busy week with trade offs almost everyday helping to solidify the investigators through out the Zone. Friday night came around, and I was thrashed, my companion and I jokingly wondered how we could do it again? We have always been blessed with just enough energy to get through, but it is all worth it when you see the change in the lives of those that you teach. We have another busy week making sure that all 11 of the zones baptismal candidates go through this weekend, and the mission is really counting on it! We had a conference call with all the ZL's, Assistants and President Porter on Monday. It was really good to hear of some of the future events that we ave coming in the mission, and things that we want to accomplish! We now more than ever need the constants prayers of all. I wish I could explain more on the events that are in the future, but President made us all vocally agree to keep our mouths shut ha ha. So we put our head down, and do just as the picture says "Keep on Trucking"!! I am thankful to be in the service of a loving God that always provides a way for us to do what he has asked!!

We have been unable to catch up with Eseta, but I am still hopeful that the Lord will help her understand the importance of the decision that is before her and help her to make the right one! I am not sure how much I have talked about Morehu if at all, but she came to church on Sunday, in all white might I add, and she loved it. She is a Maori lady in her 50s or later, and for a majority of her life was big into drugs! She has lost a lot of mental capacity due to it, but she has been clean for a few years and has been searching for God in her life! She loved church, and said that it really helped her to get through the trials she is having. Right now she has a sister in the hospital sick with cancer, and she has lost 4 other family members in the last year or two, so she has a lot of built up pain and frustration. She will hopefully be set for November! Thankfully we have a very supportive ward that took her and all our our investigators right in!! Bishop is one of my favorite definitely in the top 2 and he is coming with us to her lesson tonight so I am excited for that!

Well I am off to slay dragons and save the world. All in a days work I guess ha ha. Thanks for all the emails, love, and Prayers. May God bless you all in your righteous endeavors!!! I love you all heaps!

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